Christa Williams-Collett
2 min readJan 10, 2021


Blog Post #1

My New Year’s resolution for 2021 was simple: write one blog post each week, 52 in total by next New Year’s eve. While resolute, I made this decision without much thought as to a particular objective or outcome. It was simply to scratch the itch of writing — outside of the confines of the financial markets —that had ceased to stop growing in 2020. Last year, I took time (approx. 45 minutes in total) to hatch what the blog would be about, landing upon my current interests and curiosities including but not limited to: economics, investing and management. With that in mind, this blog is not meant to be biographical in nature though some aspects of career progression will be woven throughout. Instead, it is largely meant to observe and answer questions that many early-, mid- and late-career professionals have on the aforementioned topics. I’ll also discuss things of note including books I’m reading, news I’m following and current events. All views are strictly my own.

Prior to writing this note, I made the bold request of asking for the emails of friends, colleagues and acquaintances who might be interested in reading. The response was overwhelming and I suspect as the week’s progress that list will grow. Even still, each of you has already become a remarkable source of accountability for this project. With that in mind, please feel free to comment, send notes or debate when the moment compels you. I look forward to seeing what new discoveries and conclusions we all come to over the next 52 weeks. If there is anything we’ve learned from the last 52, it is that a great deal can happen over just that amount of time. See you in Blog post #2.



Christa Williams-Collett

Venture capital investor. Interested and invested in how you’re solving problems and changing the world.